The Profligate
Luke 15:11
Rebellion, Recklessness, Realization, Repentance, Restoration
Mail The Prodigal Child
The Prodigal Child's Home

I am afraid. Like every other person in the world, probably even every other self-conscious organism in the world, I am insecure.

I am afraid that somebody will read something on this site and go out and do something stupid. Because I'm so afraid of something like that happening, I suppose it would be a good time to say that I am not responsible for anything you may do as a result of reading/viewing any of the material on this (or any other, just to cover my ass) web site. Be a conscious, intelligent human being please, and do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Your mother was right in that respect.

I am afraid that somebody who knows me in real life will read/view this site and use it against me. I know a few people who would do such a thing, and I sincerely wish they were living on the other side of the planet, I like them so little. In fact, as advice to everybody out there, have a heart. If other people didn't bother to bear theirs we would know next to nothing about human psychology, and then where would we be?

I am afraid that my parents will read this. My parents know I can write HTML. I suspect that they suspect that I've got a site. I don't know if they know the nature of it. While I have a reasonably good relationship with my parents I don't know if I'm comfortable with them knowing how I think sometimes.

I am insecure. My above mentioned fears probably stem from this, actually. I considered some of my past web sites failures because nobody came to them. Something nags at me that the same fate will befall this one, but I hope against it. In one instance of an old web site, everybody stopped visiting except for one person, who would ask me now and then to update it. I didn't update it because the lack of visitors made me feel like nobody cared but this one person, and why bother updating for one person when you could send them email or something? So I stopped updating. People got tired of the staleness of the site and stopped coming altogether. And so on and so on. My insecurity is leading me to think what it would be if I put so much into THIS site and nobody cared.

It can be hard baring things to strangers. I want to do this because I want to make some kind of difference, no matter how small. Even if it is a small difference I can work up from there. I hope that by exhibiting honesty here, somebody will come by who feels alone and lost like I do much of the time and that they'll read, and that they'll realize that there are others who feel like them. But it's hard exposing yourself for the sake of one person who may or may not come.

But I am resolved now. If I haven't updated in a while (check the bottom of the main page) and you would like me to, get on my case about it. Stagnation leads to death, and death will drive me back into apathy, and things will stagnate more, and this site will drop back into the cycle into which some of my old sites had fallen.

Now, shall we begin?