The Profligate
Luke 15:11
Rebellion, Recklessness, Realization, Repentance, Restoration
Mail The Prodigal Child
The Prodigal Child's Home

Hey there, kid. Glad to see ya'. You'd be surprised how boring my life can be until you guys get here.

It's not important what I mean, the important thing is that you're here. And boy will you wish you weren't.

Ya' see that door over there? Yeah well in a little while you're gonna walk yourself through that and when you end up you're gonna be all by yourself. I've been where you going, and I gotta admit, off the record of course, that I don't envy you. Not one bit. Let's just say it's a helluva place.

Oh, that was just a little joke...

What? Oh, that's right, I probably should tell you why you're here. And why I'm here, for that matter. See, before you go through that door, there are certain things you have to hear, and certain things I have to tell you to get you ready for the other side. And by God, I'm gonna tell you those things or my name isn't....well my name isn't important, but I'll tell you those things.

Let's start from the beginning. You're gonna hate it, and it's gonna take a lot of getting used to. As you can see, we don't like to lie, and we don't hide the truth. In fact, some of us relish telling the truth, you see, it's so much fun watching you all trying to deal with your futures. But you never heard that if anyone asks. In fact, if anyone asks, you never met me. We'll keep this between us, alright? Alright.

So where were we? Oh yes, the beginning. Like I said, you're going to hate it. You're going to want a lot of things, and you're going to get a lot of things. But since you won't be able to communicate what you want and what you don't want, it won't make much difference one way or the other what you get. That place is a beautiful one. Anyway, you'll live like that for a good while, in fact, you'll sooner or later learn to tell the others what you want. And whe.....

Oh. huh? Why yes, there is a catch, a rather delicious one at that. You'll be able to tell people what you want, but you're not going to get it. The others will throw up numerous facades, most transparent, some more accurately described as.... translucent, and you're going to take every little bit of it. No, I won't tell you you'll like it, because you won't. But you'll do it anyway.0

So you'll learn to communicate. Which is nothing but trouble, because your new skill will be put to the test, because you'll be thrust into a large group of those not unlike yourself, all of whom are just learning to express their concerns, although not well and very loudly. And you'll force yourself to like this too. Even as time passes and you learn to better express your needs though most others will not. Like I said, it's a helluva place.

Your time on the other side of the door will be fraught with trouble. Of course, there will be a few easier times, a few better times than most, after all, even WE can't make everything bad, but on the whole, the other side of the door will be an ordeal unlike any you've ever dreamed of. Of course, considering the time you've had to dream that isn't saying much.

I'd also like to, although I don't often do this and shouldn't do it at all, inform you of some of the more specific times. The times you will recall on the other side as well as when you move on from there. I've been busy, you see, and I have all kinds of resources at my disposal. Anything that's ever been done is at my fingertips, and when it comes to this little... business we have together, I am allowed to know everything that WILL be done. I don't usually exercise this allowance, but I took special interest in you, and so I know your time through there like the back of... oh bother, I keep forgetting I've no hands. I know it very well. But I've said too much, and so I'll be quiet.

There will be others on that side whom you will respect and love, there will be those whom you loathe from the pits of your heart. But you will deal with them all the same, as you will be a loner at heart. Later you will learn to trust some others, but will still rely solely on yourself, the reason is up to you to find. You will be satisfied yet unhappy as no words can explain. The reason for that too is for you to discover.

I don't know why I'm even telling you this, you won't remember it once you pass the door, it has that effect. Actually no, you will remember what I say here in bits and pieces, and still never completely. You'll hear a part of your mind nagging you with words I've said, and think it's nothing, but that's ok. As I said, I've been bored, I haven't talked to anyone in... well here time really is rather irrelevant, so we'll say I haven't talked to anyone.

Anyway, there will be enigmas on the other side of that door that will threaten to tear your soul apart, mysteries that will puzzle you for eternity. Some you might come to the answers for, but there will be many more which have no answers. Not to you anyway.

Oh hell, the doorway's flaring up again. I've not time to tell you the rest of your story, but it may be better that way. You'll be done in there sooner. I won't ever see you again, which I regret as I'd love to see your face on the other side. You've such a look of eagerness and anticipation. I can assure you now that that look is unnecessary, as the door leads to, as I've said, a helluva place. But it's nothing to what's beyond that. And I'd love to see your face when you pass through that door as well as when you pass through the one long after it. Very long after it. In fact, you may wear your look of shock and horror now.

Farewell. Well.... fare as well as you can, which won't be well at all, I'm afraid. Actually on second though, no I'm not afraid, in fact I rather enjoy the fact that it won't be well, my heart is fluttering already. In any case, you may... what am I saying? You must step through the door now, mind you don't let it catch your heels on the way in.

Pity that one left so soon, I really do miss their company. But he'll be back.